In an attempt to stay in touch with friends and family... I unveil my personal blog! This will be a place where you will be able to track my progress. I've gone to the Great White North and back to Vancouver and now I'm slowing things down in the Surf Capital of Canada - Tofino. Expect daily updates and photos of what I am up to. And being a pop culture vulture....don't be surprised to see a sprinkle of celebrity gossip thrown in. Let's slow things down and set our clocks to Tofino Time.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm trying to get nice and plump for winter. Not fat...just a little extra blubber to keep me warm. Poor Ozzy.....he was shivering today in bed. He needs a sweater! I would be a bad parent if I didn't get him one.

So back to me getting plump, here's my recipe for disast....I mean for warmth:

Tim Hortons at least once a day
Midnight McDonalds
Coca Cola
Jessica William's cheesecake
Pancakes with chocolate chips
Miss Vickies original chips
Those fun Halloween sugar cookies from Save-On
Bagels with butter
Lucky Charms (no milk)

Last but not least: CHINA CUP - the best food ever! Went there last night with Docc, Colin, and our friend Jay. It's an all you can eat Chinese Buffet but they also have fries, corn, mashed potatoes, onion rings etc. Plus THREE different types of Jello and different cakes!

Wish me luck on my new diet!!!


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