In an attempt to stay in touch with friends and family... I unveil my personal blog! This will be a place where you will be able to track my progress. I've gone to the Great White North and back to Vancouver and now I'm slowing things down in the Surf Capital of Canada - Tofino. Expect daily updates and photos of what I am up to. And being a pop culture vulture....don't be surprised to see a sprinkle of celebrity gossip thrown in. Let's slow things down and set our clocks to Tofino Time.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

It was a big day for Ozzy yesterday....

He got a new hair do! I took him to the groomer's and asked that they really clean him up. And they did. Some people like Ozzy's shaggy do, others like him trimmed with short fur. I am a fan of the short fur. It's soft and it doesn't get stuff stuck in it!

I forget how small he is, only 13 pounds! He does look a like a rat a bit....but a super cute rat! Right? RIGHT???


Blogger It's Me! said...

he IS super cute! And not at all rat-like...really more a gerbil than a rat! ha! no, he's really very very cute. And I'll be he's very soft. Give that little guy a tummy rub for me!

3:01 AM  

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