In an attempt to stay in touch with friends and family... I unveil my personal blog! This will be a place where you will be able to track my progress. I've gone to the Great White North and back to Vancouver and now I'm slowing things down in the Surf Capital of Canada - Tofino. Expect daily updates and photos of what I am up to. And being a pop culture vulture....don't be surprised to see a sprinkle of celebrity gossip thrown in. Let's slow things down and set our clocks to Tofino Time.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Back from Vancouver and to be honest: hating it.

It has nothing to do with Prince George, or work, or anyone....I just miss Vancouver and my family and my old life with all my heart and soul.

It was an "okay" trip home. It was great seeing my Dad and going out for dinner with him, I saw Kristin and Karlee for all of 10 minutes but it was still awesome to see my girls, and I hung out with Brett for a bit.

It makes me sad to go back to Richmond and to realize that everyone has started these new lives that no longer include me. My friends are dating guys I've never even met and Brett has moved on and found a new girl . It sucks. But what can I expect? Everyone to wait around? I guess I always thought some people would.

I just remember talking to a popular and successful Vancouver DJ (who shall remain nameless) saying that as proud as he is of his career, he lost the girl of his dreams 20 years ago and would trade everything in a second and pick the girl over his career. Why does it seem that all of the successful DJ's in Vancouver and Toronto (that I know of) are single? Men and women in their 30's and 40's who are alone and unmarried and without families.

I do not want to be one of those people and I'm already terrified that it's happening. Men can find wives who will put their careers first and travel with them all over the country and stick by them through the difficult years...but will I be able to find a man who would be willing to move with me across the country and possibly give up their own career goals so I can live my dream???


Blogger *M* said...

i don't know if it helps, but you are definitely not alone thinking this. i know i worry about it all the time. why can a guy have both but it's tougher for us? we should start an all girls station somewhere fun that we would never want to leave:)

2:41 PM  
Blogger It's Me! said...

I'm with Mare on this one! All Girl station! Woot!
But seriously, all but one of my instructors at BCIT were divorsed. It's pretty scarey, and I definately think there are a lot of people in the industry who choose career over relationship...and I bet some of them regret it. The other thing to consider is why did they HAVE to choose? Why can't their partners be supportive of their career choices and understand that a person's first few jobs in the industry don't last much more than a year, and that it IS possible to do long-distance for a little while (given the right circumstances), if the relationship is important enough. I don't really know what to say about it though. I mean, I chose Brad over a really amazing Jock job in PG last year (which changed my whole career path), but I got a lot of flack form a lot of people over it. The only people who were supportive of my choice (and I mean fully supportive) were Mare and G-Krahn. Seriously. That's it. Everyone else thought I was nuts, and maybe I was, but it was what was right for me. The other thing to consider along the friendships line is that your friends will change and start to lead different lives, and by staying and being involved, you're just delaying the inevitable: that you will start your own life away from the highschool thing. But this is turning into a stupidly long comment though. Haha! In summary, you will grow, and so will everyone else around you, but whether you grow together depends on what you're willing to sacrifice for that, which depends on exactly how valuable staying in the same boat is to you. Is staying in the same situation as your friends worth giving up the experiences and other people you will meet along the way? Up to you, honey, but remember, I love you, and whatever choices you make are yours to make and they WILL be the right ones.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Colin said...

"whatever happens is best"

-bruce pearson, creater of colin pearson

11:53 AM  

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