In an attempt to stay in touch with friends and family... I unveil my personal blog! This will be a place where you will be able to track my progress. I've gone to the Great White North and back to Vancouver and now I'm slowing things down in the Surf Capital of Canada - Tofino. Expect daily updates and photos of what I am up to. And being a pop culture vulture....don't be surprised to see a sprinkle of celebrity gossip thrown in. Let's slow things down and set our clocks to Tofino Time.

Monday, February 26, 2007

On Saturday night I went to the Spruce Kings game with Docc and Al. They were playing at the CN Centre to get some hype for the RBC Cup. I cared more about my cotton candy, popcorn and large was fun! The game was crazy. There were so many fights. With 15 minutes left in the 3rd period, each team had just 7 or 8 players left. The others all recieved game misconducts. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. Go to and take a look at the penalties from their game against Quesnel.

Docc, Al and myself ended up going onto the ice during intermission to do the $10,000 Shoot Out! It's sponsored by 94X so out we went in front of nearly 3,000 people. Did I mention that we had no idea we were supposed to do this? But during the 2nd period we heard, "94X crew please report to...." and we all looked at eachother and looked around and said "Well I guess that's us!". Docc did all the talking. I just stood there and tried to look was somewhat hard to do that in sweatpants and your boyfriend's Liverpool sweater, but like I said, I tried!

The player came SO CLOSE to winning the $10,000. It's virtually impossible, but I really thought he had done it! The crowd loved it. One of the sponsor's looked terrified. It was the closest anyone's ever come to actually winning the prize. It was a fun night! The last hockey game I'll ever see in PG....


Blogger It's Me! said...

you look totally hot! Wish I had been there with you! :(

11:51 AM  

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